Sunday, 25 February 2018

Spirituality vs Religion


Spirituality and religion are very much similar but a very thin line separates these two concepts. Religion focuses on both positive as well as negatives but spirituality tends to put more light on the positive side of the life.

The major difference is that religion doesn’t allow investigating whereas spirituality questions everything. From origin of mankind to knowing of inner self, spirituality always has an upper hand.

Being spiritual tends to more a personal thing. It need not be shared with others how closely an individual knows himself and how he is transforming himself. But religion is a field which is publicized to the roots of society in every possible way. People are ready to do anything in the name of religion blindly.

Spirituality is one’s way of loving, accepting and relating to the world and people around you. It cannot be found in a temple or by believing in a certain way. It is something that is found deep oneself.

Spirituality doesn’t make you follow a particular ideology or set of rules. It leads to path of knowing self which can be different for each individual. They also know that nothing is “written” and all our futures are shaped by our desires and the power of our minds. However, religion takes you to certain fixed and rigid sets of beliefs and practices which one has to abide.
Religion requires constant guidance from outside to work upon. You need to follow what is taught by the ones who knew about it. Inner voice is heard in the case of spirituality where one wants to listen to his soul and thinking.
Let’s spread happiness, love and peace through these two fields of thought round the world.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Spirituality and Religion

From an early age, children are always taught that religious and spiritual things go hand in hand. In terms of our experience with religious books and discussions, religion came first. Nowadays, it is seen that more and more people are talking about spirituality and writing about it. This is because of the changing world and modernization that spirituality spreads. People discover that only religion can’t answer their desire for improvement of life. So they turned to something more specific and found it in spirituality.

In terms of the origin of the reality behind those words or in terms of the object of our understanding, spirituality came first. The spirit was there before there was any religion. God was there before there was anybody to worship him. Because, spirituality in a sense is an offshoot of religion, it’s obvious to have certain level of similarities between them. This can be related to the story of the origin of the egg and the chicken.

Both spirituality and religion tend to show the connection with the higher power. Religion names it as God while spirituality termed it as positive energies. Sometimes religious ways may be felt like showing fear whereas there is a feeling of love and affection in case of spirituality.

Also in both the paths there is not only respect for the higher power but also upliftment of mankind. Religion preaches us to respect each and every creature on this world, similarly spirituality guides to better experience of life.
 As both minutes and hour hand of the clock are incomplete without each other, same goes with spirituality and religion. There are various areas which these two have common platform to share. But still there are things that separate them and which people can distinguish...

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Knowing the innerself

Whenever we talk about goal or purpose of one’s life, the first question arises how closely we know ourselves. We see many souls around us wandering aimlessly without knowing the true value of their existence. Spirituality is a way of life or path which leads to self realization. This broad concept of spirituality ultimately leads to searching meaning of life. 

On every step of our life, we need to constantly introspect our decisions, way of living and many important things. Spirituality helps us in all these aspects of our life. It encourages you to listen to your intuition and do what is right for yourself and others around you. It has various forms and people choose their paths accordingly for their purpose.

The talks on spirituality are incomplete if the term “Religion” isn’t discussed along with the former.  In simple words religion may be defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

Saints and sadhus dedicate their whole life just for the seeking of peace and trying to communicate the masses these two concepts. They try to connect them with these complex concepts in a simplified and lucid manner. It depends on masses how they took these beliefs and processes to make their lifestyle better.

Are Religion and spirituality interconnected with each other, or they are independent?? Can a person be religious but not spiritual or vice versa is possible??
Let’s find out.......

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Around the world, whenever there are discussions about culture and tradition, India always comes on top of it. Our country has long been known as spiritual, religious heavy area of the world.
It is rightly said that religion is an integral part of Indian tradition. It is a way of life and affects every individual in one form or other.
India’s rich and diversified culture always lured the rulers which resulted in repeated invasions. Though the system of monarchy was in the blood of Indian society, but came a time when people started challenging the rulers. 

There was a need to unite people for a common goal. A goal, that leads to self respect, freedom and a meaningful life.
This was done by a way of life and philosophy well ahead of it time that was born in India. How amazing is that a religion that has its origin just 500 years ago has now become the fifth largest religion around the globe. How difficult could have been to mobilize people against tyranny of the rulers…. 

Bringing together different sections of society for the cause of humanity, there came a way which challenged the system. The religion which rejected the system of inequality and termed everyone as children of God. Igniting the fire to live and to die for the motherland. Serving the mankind is equivalent to serving the Almighty. 

These were the strong beliefs that led to foundation of a religion now known as Sikhism….
How it originated… what was the need of it… Just think about that…

Significance of the Basics