Tuesday, 13 March 2018

5 K's of Sikhism

The 5Ks or kakkars or kakke is one of the most important aspect of Sikhism, are the five articles of faith worn by all baptised Sikhs or practising Sikhs. Even many non-baptised Sikhs also begin on the path of Sikhi by wearing some or all of these Sikh symbols. The baptised Sikhs both male and female are required to wear a uniform to unify and bind them to their commitment to the true, universal, social and temporal principles defined and amplified by the ten Sikh Gurus and laid down in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. This commitment was publicly announced, made prominent and confirmed by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699 at the Vaisakhi gathering for all to witness.

Sikhism stands out as a unique and probably the only faith in the world where in there is no place what so ever for clergy or priestly class. It is self-made, self-contained, self-regulating and dedicated to nothing but flawlessness (read Godly) in all aspects of human living. Unlike most other faiths where only the clergy are in uniform, all Sikhs are required to always wear their uniform of faith at all times and to adhere to the ideals of the "Sant-Sapai" or Saint-Soldier; to practise their belief always (rather than on just a particular day or time i.e. just Sunday or Friday).

These 5Ks or kakkars are:
  • Kesh: (Kesh is uncut hair) A Sikh is to maintain and adorn this natural God-given gift. To work with nature and not against it. The Kesh was covered with a turban.
  • Kanga (wooden comb) for the maintenance and ongoing upkeep of Kesh. A reminder to regularly maintain the body and mind in a clean and healthy state.
  • Kara (steel bracelet or slave bangle): Symbolises an unbreakable bond with God. It is a constant reminder that the Sikh is a slave of the Lord.
  • Kachhera or Kachcha (cotton underwear) Standard, Naturally Comfortable, dignified attire reflective of modesty and control.
  • Kirpan (a small sword) A sign that a Sikh is a soldier in "Akal Purakh's (God's Army)” to maintain and protect the weak and needy and for self-defence. Never to be used in anger.
These 5Ks together forms the symbols of Sikhism followed by every disciple.

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