Sunday, 4 March 2018

Origin Of Sikhism

The word ‘Sikh’ is just a corrupted form of Sanskrit word ‘Shishya’ which means disciple in Sanskrit. Originating in 15th century in the Punjab region of India, Sikhism is religion of discipline, with a very strong Guru-Shishya or Teacher- Disciple system at its core. It is the fifth-largest organized religion in the world and one of the fastest-growing. This system of religious philosophy and expression has been traditionally known as the Gurmat (literally 'of the gurus').

The principal beliefs of Sikhism are faith and justice in Waheguru—represented by the phrase ‘ik oankar’, meaning one God. Sikhism advocates the pursuit of salvation through disciplined, personal meditation on the name and message of God. The followers of Sikhism are ordained to follow the teachings of the ten Sikh gurus, or enlightened leaders, as well as the holy scripture entitled the Guru Granth Sahib, which, along with the writings of six of the ten Sikh Gurus, includes selected works of many devotees from diverse socio-economic and religious backgrounds. The text was decreed by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth guru, as the final guru of the Sikh religion.

Sikhism's traditions and teachings are associated with the history, society and culture of Punjab traditionally but also has a pan-India or pan-world idea and philosophy to it. There is no one specific founder to the religion or head of religion, with Guru Granth Sahib taking over that role, but the discipline system started with Guru Nanak Dev who’s commonly refereed as the founder of the religion. Over the centuries, the religion has grown from a simple Guru-Shishya Order to a Martial race to full-fledged religion today. And that’s how basically how Sikhism started.

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