Sunday, 25 February 2018

Spirituality vs Religion


Spirituality and religion are very much similar but a very thin line separates these two concepts. Religion focuses on both positive as well as negatives but spirituality tends to put more light on the positive side of the life.

The major difference is that religion doesn’t allow investigating whereas spirituality questions everything. From origin of mankind to knowing of inner self, spirituality always has an upper hand.

Being spiritual tends to more a personal thing. It need not be shared with others how closely an individual knows himself and how he is transforming himself. But religion is a field which is publicized to the roots of society in every possible way. People are ready to do anything in the name of religion blindly.

Spirituality is one’s way of loving, accepting and relating to the world and people around you. It cannot be found in a temple or by believing in a certain way. It is something that is found deep oneself.

Spirituality doesn’t make you follow a particular ideology or set of rules. It leads to path of knowing self which can be different for each individual. They also know that nothing is “written” and all our futures are shaped by our desires and the power of our minds. However, religion takes you to certain fixed and rigid sets of beliefs and practices which one has to abide.
Religion requires constant guidance from outside to work upon. You need to follow what is taught by the ones who knew about it. Inner voice is heard in the case of spirituality where one wants to listen to his soul and thinking.
Let’s spread happiness, love and peace through these two fields of thought round the world.

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